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NOW AVAILABLE: Family Violence Prevention Campaign for AI/AN Communities

January 22, 2014

What is Done to One is Felt By All. Honor Our People – New family violence prevention campaign is now available targeting American Indians and Alaska Natives


Picture of young child and contact information for

The What is done to one is felt by all. Honor our people campaign was developed by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB), the Indian Health Service (IHS), Tribes, and tribal organizations to help communities address this concern. *Funding for this campaign was provided by the Indian Health Services Division of Behavioral Health.

The goal of the campaign is to bring awareness to and to prevent the different forms of family violence that occur in many tribal communities. The campaign focuses on three different violence topics: Child Maltreatment, Elder Abuse, and Intimate Partner Violence (also known as domestic violence).

The campaign includes:

·         Logo jpegs that communities can use on their own print materials and promotional items (T-shirts, key chains, water bottles, etc.).

·         3 Posters – 1 for each topic

·         3 Rack cards – 1 for each topic

·         T-shirts

·         3 Public Service Announcements (PSA) – 1 for each topic

·         USB Drive pre-loaded with PSAs

These items can be ordered free-of-charge from THRIVE, at the NPAIHB. Materials will automatically be mailed to the 43 federally recognized tribes in ID, OR, and WA. To order print materials, please contact:

Colbie Caughlan
Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
2121 SW Broadway, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97201
ph: (503) 228-4185  fax: (503) 228-8182


Please include your: Name, Tribe/organization, and mailing address.

All of the family violence prevention campaign materials are also be available on our website. Please download, print, and pass them along to interested parties:

Consider using these materials in conjunction with:

·         April – Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month, National Child Abuse Prevention Month

·         June 15 – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

·         October – National Domestic Violence Awareness Month






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